A stronger Malta in a more Social Europe.
I am committed to serve the needs of the Maltese and Gozitan people, by insuring that EU law and policy lead to actual economic, social and environmental justice.
Emozzjonanti li fi ftit jiem oħra se nagħlaq dan il-kapitlu ta’ 5 snin ħidma favur
Għawdex Jitkellem mill-Parlament Ewropew
GĦAWDEX U L-UNJONI EWROPEA Bħala l-ewwel Membru Parlamentari Ewropew Għawdxija, f’din l-intervista minn Newsbook waqt
Il-MPE Josianne Cutajar tilqa’ l-adozzjoni tal-ewwel liġi dwar l-Intelliġenza Aritifiċjali
“L-adozzjoni tal-Att dwar l-Intelliġenza Artifiċjali huwa jum storiku għat-tfassil tal-politika Ewropea. Li jiġi żgurat approċċ
Vot ta’ fiduċja fil-ħidma tal-MPE Cutajar fil-Qasam tal-Kirjiet għal Żmien Qasir
Il-Membru Parlamentari Ewropew Josianne Cutajar, li għadha kif ġiet inkluża bħala waħda mill-MPEs l-aktar influwenti
Il-MPE Josienne Cutajar tospita diskussjoni dwar ir-reżiljenza għat-tibdil fil-klima fir-reġjun kostali
“Turning the Tide: How to Drive Climate Resilience in Coastal and Maritime Infrastructure” kienet it-tema
Dr Josianne Cutajar is a lawyer, politician and Member of the European Parliament for Malta, forming part of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats.
Cutajar was born and raised in Gozo by a working class family, who passed on to her the values of solidarity, equality for all, and a strong sense of social justice.
Cutajar attended the University of Malta, where she obtained a Doctor of Laws degree in 2013, and a Master of Laws in European and Comparative Law in 2017.
As a member of the European Parliament, Cutajar is committed to keep serving the needs of the Maltese and Gozitan people, by ensuring that EU law and policy are framed within the context of social, economic, and environmental justice.
European Parliament
Member of the LGBTI Intergroup
Member of the Children’s Rights Intergroup
Member of the Disability Intergroup
Member of SEARICA (Islands, coastal areas and remote areas) Intergroup
Member of the SMEs Intergroup
Member of the Hunting and Biodiversity Intergroup
Member of EUFORES
January 2024 Newsletter
We are delighted to share this newsletter with you, where you can follow the work carried out by MEP Josianne Cutajar over the past 12 months.
More newsletters to follow – watch this space!